Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Some feelings inside me....

Been talking to many people lately......a lot of negative happenings to people around me.  Kind of making me feel this world maybe going through a menopause and affects everyone on this earth..... crappy.  I was cooking dinner just now and suddenly remember this quote I saw online some time ago.  Search and search and finally found it!!  I totally buy this because I am going through as well.  Treasure family,people and things and grab grab grab whatever I think is worth for me to fight for or am I blindly fighting for nothing????  


  1. Great quote! But easier said than done but hey if we are able to wake up every morning then we should really treasure those around us. May it be people we like or dislike. We love you, Hotmama ;)

    1. My dear yes easier to say. Everyone can say anything.....bring us up to sky but all words are empty in the end. As i grow older i see more and more such people. Can be very disheartening. But i know i have people who are always with me. I love all of you too!!!!
